About Us
Bio - Ellen Cardin, Retired Food Scientist, Williamson GAThough I claim Atlanta as my birthplace, I was raised primarily in Florida. I graduated from The University of Florida with a BS in Agriculture with Food Science and Human Nutrition as my major. I spent my first career with Publix Supermarkets, Inc. beginning as Bakery Division Quality Control Manager, culminating in my position as Senior Purchasing Analyst for Publix Branded products. As our family grew and we pursued opportunities across the country, I chose family as my primary vocation. We were excited to move to Georgia in 2008. Most recently I returned to career employment with Compass Group, Inc. working as the Data Acquisition Manager for their company, Foodbuy. In the last two years we relocated to 12 acres in Pike County, GA., where I now carry the somewhat humorous job title “Farm Manager”. We are active members of our church and I enjoy volunteering in the children’s AWANA and ladies bible study programs.
My husband Brian and I raised two daughters, both of whom live in Metro-Atlanta. We always enjoyed the outdoors as a family and the water has always held a special place in my heart. For the past several years, my first love has been kayaking, which is the link to my service on the Flint Riverkeeper Board. I found the Riverkeeper organization through my association with Georgia River Network and Paddle Georgia. I feel strongly that the work done by Flint Riverkeeper is critical, because the need for clean and abundant water knows no societal boundaries.
The Flint River needs YOU! And so does FRk.
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